by appointment only

764 Tremont St #1,

Boston, MA 02118

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improve your overall health and feel your best every day.

South End Strong Fitness is a personal training studio that offers 1:1 and duet training sessions. We specialize in:

  • posture
  • core strength
  • kettlebells
  • injury prevention
  • injury rehab
  • sport specific training
  • pre/post-natal training


improve your overall health and feel your best every day.

South End Strong Fitness is a personal training studio that offers 1:1 and duet training sessions. We specialize in:

  • posture
  • core strength
  • kettlebells
  • injury prevention
  • injury rehab
  • sport specific training
  • pre/post-natal training

From weight loss to

pro-fitness programs,

we Can work with anyone. anywhere.

Customized program design

We'll start off with an intake call to learn about your goals, tailoring a personalized plan to fit your needs.

Clean facility

Our facility meets and exceeds the strictest standards for cleanliness and safety, so you can focus solely on your goals.

One-on-One OR DUET Training

A focused approach to your customizable fitness workout. You get the individual attention and focus that you need.

Virtual Options

Can't make it to the facility? Let the workout come to you! We can create a plan to fit your schedule – no matter the location.

See our facility

How We Work



We'll begin with an assessment of your current fitness state, talk through your goals as well as your habits around wellness.


personalized plan

We then develop a personalized strategy plan that responds directly to your individualized goals and habits. With multiple options for in-person, virtual or written customized training plans, we meet you at your comfort level.


ongoing progress

Your personalized plan will progress over time. We’ll continue to push until you achieve your goals, and maintain your plan in a way that is sustainable.

How We Work



We'll begin with an assessment of your current fitness state, talk through your goals as well as your habits around wellness.


personalized plan

We then develop a personalized strategy plan that responds directly to your individualized goals and habits. With multiple options for in-person, virtual or written customized training plans, we meet you at your comfort level.


ongoing progress

Your personalized plan will progress over time. We’ll continue to push until you achieve your goals, and maintain your plan in a way that is sustainable.


We employ a no-nonsense approach that is personalized to every client – because we want people's bodies to feel better (not worse!) after working out! Whether you choose in-person training at our versatile,  fully equipped private studio or if you'd rather stick to a written plan, you'll find workouts and techniques that constantly evolve based on the latest research and science. We're proud of the low turnover we experience among clients, and measure our success in their long-term, sustained commitment to wellness. 

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764 Tremont St #1,

Boston, MA 02118

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